The following courses must be completed at an accredited institution, with a grade of C or higher, by the time you enter the IU School of Optometry.
All course requirements are considered absolute minimums, which must be met or exceeded. A maximum of 60 credit hours may be taken at a junior college. Up to 10 credits of AP/CLEP coursework is accepted. None of the specified courses may be taken on a pass/fail basis. All science courses must be in-person and only three other courses may be taken online.
1Chem C105/C125 may be substituted for C117/C127; however, students with C105/125 credit who are planning to take C341 on the IU Bloomington campus are strongly encouraged to take C117/C127 before taking C341.
2Chem C106/C126 may be substituted for C118 but not for N331/337.
3Any math course(s) that fulfill(s) the Math Modeling requirement for IUB’s General Education Program will be accepted, as of March 2024:
4A minimum SAT Critical Reading score of 670 or ACT English score of 32 will exempt the student (without credit) from the requirement. Other means of completing the composition requirement exist. Consult the IUB College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin for details on these options.
5Specific Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Studies courses may count toward both the distribution requirements and the intensive writing requirement.