Pediatric Eye Care Service

Eye care for children and infants

Thanks to improvements in technology over the last 20 years, we can now detect many eye and vision problems in the first months and years of life. A complete eye and vision exam can detect anything from blurred vision in an infant to astigmatism in a third grader.

Unfortunately, infants and small children don’t often recognize their own vision problems, and may not complain to parents or teachers. Vision checks at the pediatrician’s office and school screenings, even if conducted by an eye doctor, are not a substitute for a complete evaluation in an eye doctor’s office.

An infant looks at a brightly colored toy while an optometry student examines his eye

When should your child have an eye exam?

Early and often. The American Optometric Association recommends that children have their first complete vision evaluation before they are six months old, and again at ages 3 and 5.

Prepare for your child’s eye exam

Our doctors are waiting to see you.