Seminars & Awards

Seminars and awards for a thriving research community

The IU School of Optometry’s innovative research environment is made possible by collaborative thinking and the constant sharing of ideas in weekly vision science seminars. We’re also proud to award excellence in the research community each year through the Distinguished Borish Scholars Award.

Oxyopia Vision Science Seminars

Oxyopia, the Greek word meaning "acute vision," is the title of the IU School of Optometry's weekly vision science seminars. Presented in conjunction with the graduate course V765, the seminars serve a twofold purpose: stimulating intellectual activity among faculty and providing a learning environment for graduate students.

Presenters are IU optometry faculty and graduate students, as well as visiting lecturers from other departments, universities, research facilities, private practices, and industries.

Find seminar dates, times, and speakers

Distinguished Borish Scholars

The Borish Scholars Program was created in an effort to continue to advance clinical care and vision science, and to foster collaboration of IU faculty with clinicals and scientists from around the globe. Each year, up to six distinguished scholars are invited to Indiana University to interact with faculty and students and to give a lecture at the Oxyopia Vision Science Seminar.

See Borish Scholar Award recipients

Our research helps the world see more clearly.

Meet our research faculty
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