Borish Center for Ophthalmic Research

A collaborative environment for vision science research

The Borish Center for Ophthalmic Research supports faculty research at the IU School of Optometry. Specifically, the center welcomes strong working relationships within the university and with government agencies, industry partners, professional organizations, practitioners, and the public.

With the tremendous support of Dr. Irvin Borish and his family, and named in recognition for his accomplishments as a clinician-scientist in the advancement of our profession, the Borish Center offers a unique collaboration of clinical and didactic teaching, graduate teaching in vision science, and many cutting-edge research endeavors.

Click here to read about the Borish Center’s first 25 years.

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Our work

Since its inception, the Borish Center has undertaken more than 200 NEI, foundation, and industry sponsored projects. Among those projects were studies on contact lens wear, orthokeratology, tear analysis, and visual performance of all types of single vision and presbyopic contact lenses. Ongoing projects continue within the Borish Center each year.

Student opportunities at the Borish Center

The Borish Center offers exciting opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate directly in vision research. Together with faculty, students can study and solve important questions related to vision disorders and diseases that confront vision care providers on a daily basis.  Creating research experiences for students was, in fact, one fundamental reason for establishing the Borish Center. 

Borish Center location and parking

The Borish Center is located on the third floor of the IU School of Optometry, 800 E. Atwater Avenue.  The entrance is located off Woodlawn Avenue, across from the Inkwell Bakery and Cafe.

Borish Center patient parking is located on the south side of the School of Optometry building. You must sign in with your vehicle make, model, and color on the first floor of the Borish Center for Ophthalmic Research upon entering the building. IU Parking Operations will periodically check cars in our lot against the sign-in sheet, and may issue tickets to those not listed.

Our research helps the world see more clearly.

Meet our research faculty
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