Friday Night Live- Crypto With Clay! EOS vs Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash vs Bitcoin, Ethfinex, Coinbase [8emw3g_tsTW]

Come and ask any questions that you might have! Tonight's topics are going to be especially fantastic. Join the discord, to join our voice chat. Join my discord channel for daily updates: Get started investing here with Bitcoin and Ethereum: View your holdings and plot charts using this link, on coinigy: Donations are not expected by any means but highly appreciated! BTC: 16cZRNkQkMDJ5h9QyjtLeKSfq28DvRvHvw ETH: 0x0770DeD44c91C4B21aa69BB0443a37a191A5d84f ETC: 0x5681584dFA933A2a77CD9d07a0446155566BBC99 GAME: GZr2yZTBbJBW7G9c1VJu27mmifi3GPhLtG STEEM: clayford08 #bitcoin dividende #crypto wallet test #ath bitcoin euro