15. Bitcoin over Tor [9lCPvUyk97_]

LINUX TUTORING No need to port forward TCP8333 from now on! - Linux terminal new stuff: adduser, who, id * All other commands have been covered in previous videos - Add user to Tor group: sudo adduser USER_NAME debian-tor - Edits to bitcoin.conf: proxy= bind= onlynet=onion dnsseed=0 dns=0 addnode=nkf5e6b7pl4jfd4a.onion addnode=yu7sezmixhmyljn4.onion Edits to /etc/tor/torrc: ControlPort 9051 CookieAuthentication 1 CookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1 www.bitcoinhackers.org @402PaymentRequierd bc1qny4am3clu0gcsq3hvja4vcdhwd529hgmnlavfh --- Music: Sunday Stroll - Huma-Huma #bitcoin fear and greed #hongkong bitcoin