Bitcoin 101 - Why Bitcoin's Growth is Normal & The S-Curves You Could Never See [H0sQ82UP9zp]

Economists are up in arms, claiming that bitcoin's 1000% annual growth is faster than anything they've ever seen. Because of that, they lash out, calling bitcoin volatile, a bubble, a pyramid scheme, etc. But don't worry, James D'Angelo puts on his VC glasses to compare the 4.5-year-old bitcoin to facebook, twitter, google at the same periods in their growth. The result is that Bitcoin's growth is as exponential, as volatile and as normal as any enormous tech giant. And just for fun we threw in a little bit about feral rats reproducing on a desert island. This is the 2nd episode debunking bitcoin myths series. Welcome to WBN's Bitcoin 101 Blackboard Series -- a full beginner to expert course in bitcoin. Please like, subscribe, comment or even drop a little jangly in our bitcoin tip jar Our address... Thanks, WBN #wie kaufe ich bitcoins mit paypal #etf bitcoin kurs #upcoming crypto coins