Using a Bitcoin Visa Debit Card [HZon186yIAW]

This video is an overview of how to use a Bitcoin Visa Debit card from Bitwala, as well as my experiences with it thus far. To get a Bitwala Bitcoin Visa Debit card, you can visit: I am in no way associated with Bitwala. These are just my impressions using one of their products. SUPPORT THE SHOW My website: BUY A TREZOR: BUY A LEDGER: GET A T-SHIRT WITH MY STUPID FACE ON IT! Buy Bitcoin & Other Cryptos - Sign up for Coinbase: Tip address: 12zjbV3QXYZYbBBKC1rck5q6oeoaAMjedi #bitcoin automat gebühren #zonda crypto opinie #bka bitcoin #crypto gaming coins #crypto loko casino