eXtreme Low Power PIC24 with Crypto and RN4020 Bluetooth LE Module [MsZq73bgArZ]

See the PIC24 "GB2" family working with the RN4020 Bluetooth LE Module to send basic command and control data to an Android tablet for a low power IoT sensor node application. 16-Bit Product Portfolio: eXtreme Low Power Product Portfolio: Embedded Security Design Center: PIC24FJ128GA202 Product Page: PIC24FJ128GA204 Product Page: PIC24FJ128GB202 Product Page: PIC24FJ64GA202 Product Page: PIC24FJ64GA204 Product Page: PIC24FJ128GB204 Product Page: PIC24FJ64GB202 Product Page: PIC24FJ64GB204 Product Page: #crypto loko casino no deposit bonus #koers bitcoin euro