$EOS Mainnet | USDT/TUSD Conspiracy? McAfee Crypto-Fiat | META Union Alliance: $ELA $ACT $MAN $TTT [N-8NFdD1i0B]

The EOS mainnet is fast approcahing and the time has come to register your tokens... or simply leave them on Binance, Oyster mainnet is live, John McAfee creates crypto backed fiat, USDT TUST conspiracy, Waltonchain iOS wallet, the META Union Alliance, crypto news and more! Join The “Crypto Zombies” Telegram ►► 0:44 Market Analysis: Storiqa STQ 2:12 Chinese President bullish on blockchain 2:50 Will Bitcoin (BTC) ever get decoupled from the altcoins? 4:38 EOS last minute tips via The Cryptoverse: 5:36 Oyster (PRL) Mainnet. Oyster Storage: 6:22 John McAfee crypto backed fiat: 8:23 Binance (BNB) USDT / TUSD CONSPIRACY?!?! 9:52 Waltonchain (WTC) iOS Wallet: 10:35 META Union Alliance: Matrix AI Network (MAN), TrustNote (TTT) Achain (ACT) Auora, Elastos (ELA): 11:10 Matrix AI Network Q & A: 12:40 ICON (ICX) x TRIVE: 13:33 Enigma (ENG) Secret Contracts: 14:40 Travala (AVA) AMA: 15:15 Travala [Concierge.io (CGE)] Interview: 15:36 SelfSell (SSC) Founder Yuan Li: 16:26 SelfSell Interview: 17:15 New exchange listings: IOSToken (IOST) & Achain 18:26 Learning Resources: and 19:38 Monster Products Inc. (Inventors of Beats headphones) to launch ICO Cryptocurrency Girls: Buy Cryptos on Huobi ►► Buy Cryptos on Qryptos ►► Buy Cryptos on Bibox ►► Buy Cryptos on Binance ►► My #1 Hardware Wallet ►► Buy Cryptos on KuCoin ►► Follow me on Twitter ►► Join The Telegram ►► DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades… Loopring | Interview | Blockchain Agnostic Protocol For DEX Building | Daniel Wang | $LRC $LRN $LRQ Watch this video again because it's awesome: #cryptozombie #cryptocurrency #crypto #bitcoin #btc #eth #ethereum #usdt #tusd #tether #elastos #ela #achain #act #binance #bnb #waltonchain #wtc #matrixainetwork #man #oyster #prl #icon #storiqa #stq #icx #enigma #eng #travala # ava #selfsell #ssc #iostoken #iost $BTC $ETH $ICX $ELA $ACT $PRL $BNB $SSC $AVA $IOST $ENG $MAN $TTT $WTC $STQ #erfahrungen bitcoin bank breaker #casper crypto prognose #macbook crypto #hodl crypto #was bedeutet bitcoin