Bitcoin 2013 Conference - Tuur Demeester - Why You Should Invest in Bicoin [N3DrUyy7rPh]

Took place at the Bitcoin 2013 conference sponsored by Bitcoin Foundation in San Jose, CA. Recorded by Red Pill Recording. Tuur Demeester is author of the financial newsletter MacroTrends, that goes out to investors in Belgium and the Netherlands. In January 2012, he added Bitcoin as part of the recommended currency basket. After reading Ludwig von Mises' Human Action as a student, Tuur decided to drop out of university and pursue his studies in a self-directed manner. He co-founded the Murray Rothbard institute in 2007 and later translated Jesus Huerta de Soto's 'Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles' into Dutch. He also co-founded two private schools, one in Belgium and one in the Netherlands. Tuur Demeester has so far lived in nine cities and traveled to thirty countries. If you find being able to watch this video valuable to you, please donate Bitcoins to Red Pill Recording at this address: 1Fyh2BtB57WK8RzC2V4T9mDbf2p7t2gXyF #bitcoin fear and greed index chart #rewards crypto #paxos crypto