What Do ETH Yields Look Like Post-Merge? [OFinKil46TW]

Coinbase's third-quarter earnings missed the mark, as crypto winter continues to take its toll. At the top of today's Real Vision Crypto Daily Briefing, Ash Bennington and Moritz Seibert examine the numbers in the company's shareholder letter and assess management's forecast for macro and crypto headwinds into next year. Also up for discussion are Datanomy, a new digital asset classification system developed by Goldman Sachs, MSCI, and Coin Metrics, and the chaos surrounding Gala Games after its safeguarding attempts led users to speculate that hackers stole $1 billion from the firm. And, later, Christine Kim, a research associate at Galaxy Digital, joins the conversation to talk about Ethereum yields in a post-Merge world. We want to hear from you too – please share your questions, comments, and suggestions! About Real Vision™: Real Vision™ is where you can understand the complex world of finance, business, and the global economy with real in-depth analysis from experts. Connect with Real Vision™ Online: Real Vision Crypto: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin: #Crypto #Blockchain #web3 #raoulpal #realvision #cryptonews #cryptotrading #cryptocurrency #cryptoanalysis Disclaimer: This is pretty obvious, but we should probably say it anyway so that there is absolutely no confusion…The material in REAL VISION GROUP video programs and publications {collectively referred to as “RV RELEASES”} is provided for informational purposes only and is NOT investment advice. The information in RV RELEASES has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but Real Vision and its contributors, distributors and/or publisher, licensors, and their respective employees, contractors, agents, suppliers, and vendors { collectively, “Affiliated Parties”} make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the content in RV RELEASES. Any data included in RV RELEASES are illustrative only and not for investment purposes. Any opinion or recommendation expressed in RV RELEASES is subject to change without notice. RV Releases do not recommend, explicitly or implicitly, or suggest any investment strategy. Real Vision Group and its Affiliated Parties disclaim all liability for any loss that may arise (whether direct indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive or otherwise) from any use of the information in RV RELEASES. Real Vision Group and its Affiliated Parties do not have regard for any individual’s, group of individuals’, or entity’s specific investment objectives, financial situation, or circumstance. RV RELEASES do not express any opinion on the future value of any security, currency, or other investment instruments. You should seek expert financial and other advice regarding the appropriateness of the material discussed or recommended in RV RELEASES and should note that investment values may fall, you may receive less back than originally invested and past performances are not necessarily reflective of future performances. Well, that was pretty intense! We hope you got all of that – now stop reading the small print and go and enjoy Real Vision. #rwa crypto #asi crypto #wie sieht ein bitcoin aus