Creating a blockchain with Javascript (Blockchain, part 1) [Q6IWYJbW5JB]

Learn how to write your own Blockchain with JavaScript. In this video I'll show you what is behind a blockchain by using simple code. It's not a complete implementation, but enough to understand how blockchains work and how they guarantee that blocks can never be changed. After creating our blockchain we'll try and tamper with it. This will demonstrate a blockchains ability to detect fraud. Next video (implementing proof-of-work): 💌 Sign up for Simply Explained Newsletter: Monthly newsletter with cool stuff I found on the internet (related to science, technology, biology, and other nerdy things)! No spam. Ever. Promise! 💰 Want to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum? Buy for $100 and get $10 free (through my affiliate link): ► Source code Available on GitHub: 🌍 Social Twitter: Facebook: Blog: ❤️ Become a Simply Explained member: #blockchain #javascript #coding #crypto #nodejs #simplyexplained #bitcoin buyer website #bitcoin kursverlauf #no module named 'crypto'