Gold standard vs Fiat vs Bitcoin - Truthloader [ZSIdAyXmkO0]

Over the past 100 years the global money supply has increased dramatically, leading to rising prices, ordinary people forced into heavy borrowing and government debt spiraling out of control - US national debt, for example, currently stands at more than US$17.5 trillion (as of 30/04/14). In response to this, some people have been calling for a return to the gold standard, a monetary system where the value of national currencies is directly linked to gold. This is different to the fiat money system currently in use the world over, where the value of national currencies is determined by governments. Other people, however, are suggesting that the cyrptocurrency Bitcoin could be the answer, with many asking if it's the "new gold standard". Subscribe to our channel: Music we use: StoneOcean's channel: StoneOcean's music: Arkana's Soundcloud: Arkana's YouTube: Seb Matar on Bandcamp: Why you should subscribe to Truthloader: More videos from Truthloader: How to start a War: Israel's nuclear weapons: The Open Secret: Manufacturing Consent playlist: Where is the most polluted place on Earth?: Crowded Earth: Where are we going to live?: Private prisons: How US corporations make money out of locking you up: The War on Drugs is a War on You: Is China taking over the world?: The Five Worst Weapons Still in Use: The Five Worst CIA Operations Ever: Who are the...? Series A race for what's left of the planet: Check out our top 20 videos playlist: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Join us on Google+: Read our reddit: Truthloader is a channel dedicated to citizen journalism. We find the best examples of crowd-sourced video and independent content, then use our expertise to add context and analysis. We respond to the stories you're interested in, so if you've got a story you'd love us to get to the bottom of, tweet us, Facebook us, or respond to our videos with a comment - and perhaps check out our reddit. #biggest gainers crypto #mit bitcoins bezahlen