Litecoin SegWit Price Prediction & Intrinsic Value (April 2017) [b9ulmid3_SC]

In 2017, how has SegWit affected the price of Litecoin and what is my prediction for the intrinsic value of Litecoin? Snapchat: bizvlogs Twitter: @biz_vlogs Google+ profile: Facebook page: Today we look at Litecoin trading in April 2017. SegWit will make Litecoin into a favorable investment. In the short term, Litecoin looks like a promising play. Litecoin is almost identical to bitcoin and would be a good experiment for Segregated Witness. Litecoin is the 5th largest cryptocoin by market cap. In this video we make a predication about the price of Litecoin. I am predicting SegWit will pass and this will raise the price and possible double litecoin. #bitcoin wallet deutsch #hash bitcoin