Doge explains litecoin and bitcoin [el5pBHNPoD2]

Today I discuss bitcoin and litcoins blockchain. Recently the price of litecoin has skyrocketed from $60 to $260 per coin. Also having 54 million in circulation and 84 million ever to be mined, certainly undervalued. Bitcoins currently sitting at $17800 per coin, there is only ever to be 21 million ever circulated and minded by bitcoin miners. Bitcoin was specifically created for larger transactions due to its complex cryptographic algorithm, where as litecoin was created for micro transactions. Bitcoin transaction confirmation takes up to 10 min where as litecoin is 1 quarter that. Litecoin is capable of withstanding higher transaction volume than bitcoin. Let’s face it, for what it is, it’s severely undervalued. #bitcoin broker bank #0 005 bitcoin #buy crypto #bitcoin silbermünze