4 GH/s Raspberry PI Bitcoin Miner - PiMiner [im63hg_M1a0]

2021 UPDATE Mining with hardware like this is completely impossible in 2021...you will never, ever break even, nor really make anything at all. GPUs are usable for ETH and other coins, but these are nearly impossible to acquire in February 2021.The only opportunities that exist are with day trading, or interest earned on crypto. Personally, I use Coinbase to buy crypto, and Celsius to earn interest on these assets. While earning interest, the value of these holdings will of course still rise and fall with markets. These are affiliate links to the apps I use - this will help me to create more content going forward. Feel free to comment with any questions. Coinbase: coinbase.com/join/agentdev Celsius: Raspberry PI Bitcoin Miner with Adafuit LCD Block Erupter: Raspberry Pi 3: 10-Port USB Hub: PiMiner Project (Includes links to LCD & components) #bitcoin ai #birdseye crypto