Bitcoin Paper Wallet [jenI3nETwZg]
Make Paper Wallets to Keep Your Bitcoin Addresses Safe:
For long-term storage of bitcoins (or giving as gifts) it's not safe to store your bitcoins in an exchange or online wallet. These types sites are regularly hacked. Even keeping a live wallet on your own computer can be risky.
Be your own bank.
By printing out your own tamper-resistant bitcoin wallets and generating your own addresses, you can minimize your exposure to hackers as well as untrustworthy people in your home or office. Just transfer your bitcoins into your new wallets, and use common sense to keep your wallets safe the way you would jewels and ordinary cash. Or give them away!
Custom Designs
The Bitcoin Foundation contracted with BitcoinPaperWallet to design a limited edition commemorative paper wallet design for distribution at the 2014 IFCA convention. You can also provide your own JPG images to create one-of-a-kind personalized wallets.
See also bitcoin smartcard ledger wallet nano:
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