How to mine bitcoins (solo mining) with the core client! (*solo mining now removed from client*) [s3XPZBuNOl0]

*****UPDATE***** Solo mining has been removed from client. I'll keep the video up for how it used to work, it might still work for some alt coins (unsure) you will have to check those clients. Old information for this video below (NOTE: it no longer works). "This is how you solo mine with the core client. (I doubt you could get a single bitcoin solo mining this way any more (difficulty is too high) BUT you could use this knowledge to mine alt. coins since they are based on same client and difficulty will be much, much lower.) Instructions on how to solo mining with the bitcoin client: 1) Get the Bitcoin Core: 2) Download the entire blockchain. 3) Watch this video ;) (setgenerate true = start mining, setgenerate false = stop mining)" Thanks for watching and please feel free to subscribe! #crypto steuern #bitcoin blockzeit #crypto arktos raid zu zweit