LITECOIN PREPARING TO BREAK - LTC $140 vs. $70 [v2F59dZ-rQk]

We have seen Litecoin do this time and time again. An ltc pattern sets up, giving us time to prepare, and then it breaks to target. Litecoin targets are always two-fold, up or down. Best to be prepared either way for litecoin price volatility. Cycles of Bitcoin - All channel tips and donations go to our non-profit Launchpad Foundation Tip With Cryptocurrency - BTC/LTC Donations To Our LaunchPad Foundation: LdhjierVqd6GeVC5Ln7jJHxpFuqUAHBnYu ⚡LaunchPad Foundation - 🛒 Shop Crypto Capital Venture - 🚀Free Access To Our Crypto Social Network LaunchPad! 👨‍🚀Social Have a question or great topic for a video? Send me an email to [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________ 📝Legal: *'The above video references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.' ____________________________________________________________________ Crypto Capital Venture is big on tracking bitcoin and litecoin market in particular. The general premise of technical analysis videos on Crypto Capital Venture is that although Bitcoin price and Litecoin price move very in a very volatile way, there is much opportunity in being prepared for upside and downside. We also cover Bitcoin news on this channel as it comes out. ► Music Credit: Joakim Karud Track Name: "Vacation" Music By: Joakim Karud @ Official Joakim Karud SoundCloud Page HERE - Official "Joakim Karud" YouTube Channel HERE - License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License. Full License HERE - Music promoted by NCM #Bitcoin #BTC #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #bitcoin apex betrug #crypto liquidated #wie komme ich an bitcoins