Best Crypto Portfolios for Small to Large Sizes [vI-8iXkJgMY]
Different size Crypto Portfolios require different investing strategies! With the Crypto bull run starting, everyone is trying to make loads of money by trading crypto. But, if youβre investing a smaller amount, youβll need to be more aggressive if you want to make $10K, compared to someone who is starting with $10K. So here is what I would do based on each Crypto Portfolio size to maximize my returns and accumulate as much Bitcoin as possible!
Portfolio Planner:
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Bitunix Exchange: $5,500 Bonus (no KYC)
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CoinW Exchange: $30,500 Bonus (no KYC)
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ByBit Exchange: $30,000 Bonus (KYC Needed)
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My Other Videos:
Bitcoin Will Hit $1 Million, Here's Why π My Bitcoin Investing Plan for the 2024 Bull Market π Why I Believe Bitcoin Will Hit $200k by 2025 π
Altcoin Season Starts in 1 Month, Here's Why π Crypto Portfolio Series π -------------------------------------------------------------------
00:00 Best Crypto Portfolio Strategies
00:40 Short vs Long
04:34 Altcoins vs. Bitcoin
13:21 $1 Million Portfolio
15:28 Different Risk Profiles
19:30 $100K Portfolio
26:21 $10K Portfolio
29:14 $1K Portfolio
32:50 Bull Run Exit Strategy
π Disclaimer π
The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial, legal, or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading cryptocurrencies poses a considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome.
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