Morphing Wing Airplane @ ETH Zurich - CMASLab [vdqk0ll6_cg]

Maiden flight of the "CHIRP Smart Airfoil" Morphing Wing airplane. Distributed compliance morphing wing, actively deformed by piezoelectric actuators. The airplane features auxiliary ailerons mounted at the wing tips for fail safe purposes. Roll control is obtained purely by morphing when "Aux. ailerons" indicator is OFF. Described in the following articles and Ph.D. thesis: - Design, realization and structural testing of a compliant adaptable wing - - Aerostructural Performance of Distributed Compliance Morphing Wings: Wind Tunnel and Flight Testing - - Multidisciplinary Optimization of Morphing Wings with Distributed Compliance and Smart Actuation - Model airplane: Seagull PC-6, TOW 6.7 kg, wingspan 2.25m, chord 0.3m. Equipment: 3DR Pixhawk (6DOF IMU, GPS, pressure sensor, magnetometer, Pitot tube), high-voltage power supply and regulation board of own design CHIRP "Smart Airfoil" team: Prof. Dr. Paolo Ermanni (IDMF), Prof. Dr. Patrick Jenny (IFD), Prof. Dr. Edoardo Mazza (IMES), Prof. Dr. Manfred Morari (IFA) Dr. Andres F. Arrieta (IDMF), Dr. Andrea Bergamini (IDMF) Dr. Vitaly Dmitriev (IFD), Dr. Giulio Molinari (IDMF), Dr. Francesco Previtali (IDMF), Dr. Manfred Quack (IFA) #smog crypto #bitcoins kurs usd