Bitcoin - the most dangerous open source project [wMcPcucF0y4]

ISSS Joint Event with Abstract: BitcoinJS is a set of open-source libraries designed to let you quickly realize custom Bitcoin apps. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer currency and has been called the "most dangerous open source project in history", so this promises to be interesting in a number of ways. Lead developer Stefan Thomas will introduce the underlying concepts and give an in-depth tour of the project and its use of server-side JavaScript with node.js and MongoDB. Date and Place: August 9, 2011, Liip AG, Zürich Referent: Stefan Thomas Organisator: in cooperation with Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS) Slides: other links mentioned in the talk: Scalability Wiki Page Patch to compile Node.js with LiveObjectList Project links: #bitcoins kapitalertragsteuer #etf crypto