Kickstarter's CRYPTO scams - SGR [wg7SiVfKQ9F]
The world of Crowdfunding just got a whole lot more scammy when CRYPTO, NFT and all those other horrible things got muddled in! | Thanks to Magic Spoon for sponsoring this video, get $5 off your next order by using code "SLOPE" today
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It really doesn’t get more scammy than crowdfunding + Crypto!
Kickstarter and IndieGoGo are both in the firing line today as we look at several projects that all failed REALLY REALLY BADLY!
Huge thanks to Rewind Mike for his editing work on this video, go check him out here... @RewindMike
Massive shout out to the awesome ST1KA for scripting this bad boy… And finally, make sure to follow KingMonkey on social as he was the one whole let me borrow the game…
⌛ The Complete History Series… The ultimate in-depth documentary look at all your favourite gaming franchises such as... Metroid, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, Strider, Metal Slug, Parappa the Rapper, Toejam & Earl, Earthworm Jim. Space Harrier, Jet Set Radio, Crash Bandicoot, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fight, and many many more
⌛ The Kick-Scammer Series... Join us as we look into some of the very worst Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns ever!
⌛ Random Video Games Fact Series… The Strangest Video Game Facts found on YouTube
⌛ Quickshot Series... Random bite-sized gaming facts
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