Tesla’s first BTC move in 2 years, Trump’s token sale failure, jail for crypto fraud ⚡️ Hamster News [a6JmbZJp2wz]
⚡️Hamster News⚡️
Hey Hamsters! 🐹 Trump’s project failed token sale, 20 years in prison for crypto fraud, Tesla’s crypto wallets move, and a very promising a16z report! Let’s dive into today’s Hamster News! Trump’s DeFi project token sale went live, and it didn’t do very well, as it turns out. The company said it wanted to raise $300 million but was only able to raise $11 million, which is only 4%. The world’s biggest venture capital firm a16z published State of Crypto Report 2024, its annual report focused on the crypto industry insights. This year’s report looks very promising! The Italian government says it is raising tax on capital gains on crypto — from 26% to a staggering 42%. A crypto promoter sentenced to 20 years in prison! Juan Tacuri, one of Forcount’s senior promoters, promised clients “guaranteed daily returns” from their crypto trading and mining firm, which did not exist. Crypto wallets that belong to a car manufacturer Tesla moved all of their Bitcoins — all 11,509 BTC worth $750 million to unknown addresses. That’s all for today! Subscribe and remember: Hamsters are power 💪
🚀 Watch every video closely to get clues that you can use later
🖇 Trump’s DeFi token sale falls short, raises just 4% of $300 million target
A16z crypto report reveals all-time high in cryptocurrency activity and usage
Italian government to raise capital gains tax on crypto to 42% from 26%
Senior promoter of Forcount Juan Tacuri sentenced to 20 years in prison
Tesla moved 11,509 BTC worth $750 million to unknown addresses
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