800 E Atwater Ave
Room 502
Bloomington, IN 47405-3635
Dr. Todd Peabody received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish from Indiana University in 1999, his Optometry Doctorate from IU in 2003, and his Master of Business Administration from IU Kelley School of Business in 2013.
In May 1999, he was one of only four recipients nationwide to be awarded the United States Navy Health Professions Scholarship Program scholarship, which consisted of a four-year comprehensive scholarship to attend IU School of Optometry in return for a four-year commitment to the United States Navy after graduation. Upon graduation from the IUSO, Dr. Peabody served as extern director for three optometry clinics and was appointed as an adjunct assistant clinical professor at both the Illinois College of Optometry and Southern College of Optometry. In 2005, he was nominated the Navy Extern Director of the Year. During Dr. Peabody’s tenure in the Navy, he was handpicked by leaders in Navy Optometry to serve as the sole coalition optometrist in Kuwait in support of the Global War on Terrorism. From August 2006 through February 2007, he was responsible for all eye care and triage for coalition troops from Kuwait, parts of Afghanistan, southern Iraq, and the Persian Gulf.
Dr. Peabody joined the faculty of the IU School of Optometry in July 2007 as a clinical assistant professor. He teaches clinically in primary care clinic emphasizing medical optometry. He also teaches didactically in a pre-clinic curriculum and professional communication course, and he co-leads IUSO’s business aspects of optometry curriculum in conjunction with the Kelley School of Business. Dr. Peabody leads the Office of Advancement at the school. His team is responsible for developing and maintaining the school’s relationships with alumni, donors, and friends of the school.