The Swanson Lab
The Swanson Lab Improving the correspondence between perimetric and imaging measures of glaucomatous damage to retinal ganglion cells and their axons.
Functional slope at the edge of a glaucomatous defect, superimposed on an en face optical coherence tomography (OCT) image. The red and blue curves show the edges of the functional defects identified with kinetic perimetry using an 0.2° diameter circular luminance increment at two contrasts differing by 0.6 log unit. The triangles show the edges of the physiological blind spot. Figure 6 of Ashimatey, B. S., King, B. J., & Swanson, W. H. (2021). Functional characteristics of glaucoma related arcuate defects seen on OCT en face visualisation of the retinal nerve fibre layer. Ophthalmicand Physiological Optics, 41(2), 437–446.