American Optometric Association latest news updates regarding COVID-19
CARES Act passed to provide emergency assistance and health care response to individuals, families, and businesses affected by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.
CARES Act guide for small businesses. To keep up to date on when these programs become available, please stay in contact with your local Small Business Administration (SBA) District Office.
CARES Act and how to navigate it.
CDC latest news and updates about coronavirus.
CDC Guidance for Healthcare Facilities outlines goals and strategies to prepare for and respond to community spread of coronavirus.
CDC Standard Precautions for All Patient Care page provides tips and information to help protect healthcare providers from infection and prevent the spread of infection from patient to patient.
CDC Transmission-Based Precautions are the second tier of basic infection control and are to be used in addition to standard precautions for patients who may be infected.
Clinical practice protocols document provides links regarding guidance and resources for urgent care.
Contact lens online platform for both doctors and patients regarding the ordering process.
COVID-19 resources put together by the Optometric Physicians of Washington’s Task Force, which includes financial impact mitigation, clinical practice protocols, practice management tools, and stress reduction.
EPA recommended home-cleaning products to protect against coronavirus.
IDOC Guide to Reopening, including checklist, safety articles, and protocols.
Households may qualify for Internet Assistance for Low-Income Families, which helps provide free or discounted internet services, computers, mobile plans, and phones.
National Institutes of Health latest research information
Paycheck Protection Program and how long will it take. According to an SBA lending expert, the application guidance and processing systems won’t be available for several weeks.
Private practice financial tips for COVID-19 pandemic survival for both open and closed practices. Also, site includes a spreadsheet you can download to help you figure cash-flow impact in different scenarios.
Private practice office closure action plan specifically for COVID-19 closure that covers, patients, how to utilize staff, social media, urgent care issues, and marketing plan.
Review of Optometric Business shares how to lay the groundwork for a quick ramp-up after reopening in the Optometric Survival Series Part III: How to Reopen Your Practice webinar.
Spexy helps with the business side of optometry, offering tips, guides, and online mini classes.
Telehealth platform
Telehealth platform EyecareLive platform and live Zoom webinars about it.
Telehealth Services–Medicare and COVID-19 webinar by AOA and the information slides (March 18, 2020)
How to file for Unemployment (UI) for Optometrists is a step-by-step guide for California optometrists, but should be applicable to other states as well.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce has prepared a Coronavirus Emergency Loan Small Business Guide and Checklist.
U.S. Department of Labor has a question and answer section to provide compliance assistance to employers and employees on their responsibilities and rights under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
U.S. Department of Labor has a question and answer section regarding furloughs and other reductions in pay and hours worked issues.
U.S. Department of Labor OSHA has a Healthcare Workers and Employers section, which provides guidance for workers with potential occupational exposures to COVID-19.
Women in Optometry’s article “You Received Your PPP Check. Now What?”
World Health Organization coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic info page